Adjusting to Life With Chronic Pain

Adjusting to Life With Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a life-changing diagnosis. Once-loved activities or hobbies may not be as easy as they once were before chronic pain.

Adjusting to life with chronic pain

It’s important to consider ways to adjust and cope with the change in lifestyle that your pain may bring. Chronic pain is not just physical. So, addressing the social, emotional and psychological effects of pain can help you adjust.

Here are a few steps to help adjust to life with chronic pain:

  • See a behavioral health specialist. A behavioral health specialist can help you find ways to cope with your chronic pain diagnosis. Behavioral health specialists can help you understand ways in which pain affects you emotionally and mentally, as well as the effect on your social life and relationships.
  • Find ways to calm your nervous system. A behavioral health specialist can help you find ways to calm your nervous system, which can help reduce pain symptoms. Through therapies like deep breathing and meditation, you can learn to manage your pain symptoms and calm your nervous system.
  • Track your pain levels daily. Tracking your pain can help you understand what activities may be increasing your pain symptoms. Learning what activities reduce and increase your pain is an important step in adjusting to chronic pain.
  • Find activities and hobbies that you enjoy. Once you understand what activities may be causing your pain, you can find activities that are pain free or even reduce pain. This can be anything from light exercise, reading, knitting and so much more!
  • Live a healthy life. Ensuring proper nutrition, exercise and lifestyle are all important to managing your chronic pain. Always see a doctor to help you understand the lifestyle changes you should make to control your pain symptoms.


Adjusting to a life with chronic pain can be difficult, but with proper pain management, support and techniques, you can get your life to a new normal. If you or a loved one are suffering from chronic pain, please visit for more information.


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We are committed to providing individualized care and vow to treat each patient with compassion and respect, never turning anyone away. Our physicians are fellowship-trained pain specialists who utilize a combination of interventional procedures and medication management services to tailor a personalized care plan for each patient’s long-term pain relief.