Opioid Safety

The Pain Management Group provides safe, patient-centered medication management and interventional procedures to treat a range of pain conditions and symptoms. We believe safe opioid prescribing requires careful assessment and monitoring. Through our opioid safety guidelines, we strive to help solve the opioid epidemic.

Opioid Use Disorder

Opioids are a powerful class of drugs, and their use is coming under more scrutiny. This is because of the high levels of prescription misuse, addiction and overdose. Previous research shows several factors may affect development of opioid use disorder:


  • Personal or family history of substance abuse
  • Psychological problems
  • History of abuse before adolescence


Recent studies also show that pain level is an indicator for opioid addiction, as well. These results reveal the need for appropriate screening and monitoring for patients on opioids. This can include:


  • Pill counts
  • Regular office visits
  • Close monitoring among at-risk patients
  • Drug tests for long-term prescriptions


Treating painful conditions before they reach moderate or severe stages can reduce the trend of opioid abuse. Also, offering alternative options to opioids, regardless of pain level, is essential. All these steps may help reduce the prevalence of opioid addiction and improve chronic pain care.

Our Opioid Guidelines

Opioids should be prescribed to patients with severe pain that is not improved with other treatment. But they should never be prescribed as a first, primary treatment option. Opioids, under proper supervision, can provide relief from pain. They can also improve some patients’ day-to-day function and quality of life. Yet, they should be viewed as one tool for treating pain for specific patients.


The Pain Management Group believes in personalized care. We also understand it is crucial to consider the potential for opioid abuse. That is why we balance any potential risk in treatments with the benefits for individual patients. Together, patients and providers define functional goals for pain management. Long-term care includes regular office visits to assess progress and adjust treatment. Throughout care, our providers actively monitor for signs of abnormal behavior that may signal drug misuse or lack of benefit for the patient.


By practicing opioid safety, we can provide appropriate, personalized care to each patient. Our goal is to help patients reduce their pain and increase quality of life. Achieving this goal requires a careful, individualized approach. To learn more or to request an appointment, please call 615.941.8538.