29 May Exercises for Low Back Pain

Low back pain is one of the most common complaints from adults today. Estimates say that almost 80% of adults will experience low back pain at some point in their lives. When this pain is chronic, though, it can begin to cause more problems, including decreased mobility and wellness. Use these simple exercises for low back pain daily to help decrease pain and increase wellness.
Four exercises for low back pain
As with any physical program, be sure to talk with your doctor before starting. Everybody is different, and some may need adjustments to exercise routines to address their specific needs. There are many causes of low back pain in adults, but it is most often associated with an injury, such as a workplace accident. Low back pain can also be caused by herniated or degenerative disks, among other spinal conditions. However, those who are not physically fit are also more likely to experience it. Use these exercises and stretches to help ease low back pain and keep your overall wellness in check.
Knee-to-chest stretch
Lying flat on your back, bend your knees and pull one knee up towards your chest gently. Be sure to keep your core activated and tighten your abdominals as you gently bend your other knee and pull it up to meet your chest. With both knees pulled toward your chest, hold for a few seconds and then release. If pulling both knees towards you is too much, you can do one knee at a time, holding each to your chest for a few seconds.
Lying flat on your back, bend your knees with your feet flat on the floor. Your hands should be at your sides, flat on the floor. When you’re ready, squeeze your abdominals and your glutes. Push up until your low back and bottom are off the floor. When pushing up into bridge, use your heels to help you elevate your back body, pushing into them for support. Hold the bridge for a few seconds and then slowly and with control, release back down to the floor.
Lower back rotation
Lying flat on your back, bend your knees with your feet flat on the floor. Keep your shoulders touching the floor as your slowly roll your bent knees over to one side of the floor. Hold your twist for a few seconds before returning your knees to the bent position, with feet flat on the floor. Repeat on the other side.
Seated twist
Sitting on a chair, face forward with feet flat on the ground. Using your core, twist slightly to the right. Be sure to keep your hips facing forward and twist from your core. Try not to collapse and keep sitting up tall. You can place your hands behind your head or your left knee for support. Hold for a few seconds and then return to the front. Repeat on the opposite side. These are just a few daily exercises that can be incorporated into your daily routine to reduce low back pain. Remember, if you experience pain that will not go away, be sure to contact your doctor. If you are having a medical emergency, please dial 911.
To schedule an appointment with The Pain Management Group, please call 615-941-8538.
For more information on The Pain Management Group, please visit thepainmanagementgroup.com or schedule an appointment at one of our locations throughout Middle Tennessee.
We are committed to providing individualized care and vow to treat each patient with compassion and respect, never turning anyone away. Our physicians are fellowship-trained pain specialists who utilize a combination of interventional procedures and medication management services to tailor a personalized care plan for each patient’s long-term pain relief.