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With the new year here, it’s time to make your 2020 resolutions. New Year’s resolutions come in all shapes and sizes, but for chronic pain sufferers, there are a few resolutions that could help you reduce your pain. Focusing on yourself and your overall health, including your emotional and mental health, is important to reducing your pain symptoms. Keep reading for some resolution ideas for a great 2020....

Every year after the holidays, the “new year, fresh start!” mindset sweeps over us. We have great intentions of joining a gym, eating better, sleeping more or keeping the house picked up. However, for many of us, it’s easy to slip back into bad habits come February....

Happy new year! If you have goals and resolutions for 2019, then you might be wondering how to keep up your progress. For many of us, we start the new year with great intentions, but it can be difficult to stick to your resolutions. ...

Chronic pain is a life-changing diagnosis. People experiencing chronic pain may have difficulty with daily activities, such as shopping, cooking or cleaning, depending on the severity of their pain. In addition to daily activities, chronic pain patients may not be able to perform other tasks that they once could—including work, social activity, and recreation....

These days, everything is at our fingertips. Smart phones make it easy to order, pay and connect with the click of a button. Weight loss prescription medications promise quick and long-lasting results. However, I continue to preach one thing to my patients: "There is no quick fix or magic pill for weight loss. It takes effort and commitment, but the end results are worth the effort."...