New Year, Best You

New Year, Best You

2020 resolutions: new year, best youWith the new year here, it’s time to make your 2020 resolutions. New Year’s resolutions come in all shapes and sizes, but for chronic pain sufferers, there are a few resolutions that could help you reduce your pain. Focusing on yourself and your overall health, including your emotional and mental health, is important to reducing your pain symptoms. Keep reading for some resolution ideas for a great 2020.

New year, best you

Whether you’ve made resolutions yet or not, have you thought about how managing your chronic pain fits into your 2020 goals? Do you need somewhere to get started? We’ve pulled together a list of a few goals that could help get you started for a less painful year. Whether you incorporate one or all of these resolutions into your plan, remember to prioritize managing your chronic pain alongside a board-certified pain physician and healthcare team that will help you understand and manage your health.

Be more mindful

Being present and mindful can help in all aspects of your health—physical, emotional and mental. We understand that chronic pain isn’t just physical. It can take a toll on your mental and emotional health, too. That’s why it is important to consider a new approach to your pain management, because it’s not just your physical pain that needs care. Take time out of your day for breathing exercises or meditation. This will help you not only be more mindful, but can reduce stress, which can help you reduce pain symptoms.

Exercise more

Whether you want to incorporate walking, jogging, yoga or stretching into your lifestyle, you should add time during your week dedicated to physical activity is essential to your wellness. It’s difficult to exercise when you have chronic pain. But remember, you don’t have to run a marathon to get your weekly exercise in. In fact, understanding what your body can do is a great way not only to stay active but also to fight your chronic pain symptoms. Here are some exercise articles that might help you get started.

Eat healthier

Many people make resolutions to diet or lose weight, but that doesn’t have to be the main goal of a food-based resolution. Just incorporating more fruits, vegetables, vitamins and minerals in your diet to increase your overall wellness is a great step to managing your health and decreasing your pain symptoms. Inflammation can make chronic pain worse, but did you know that you can fight inflammation with a balanced diet? Try some of these tips from our nutrition articles to help you get started.

Manage stress better

Did you know stress can increase your pain symptoms? Taking a few moments for exercise, breathing, hobbies and more can help you reduce the stress in your life that may be increasing your pain. We know you can’t just wish to be less stressed, though. It can be difficult to manage stress levels, particularly if you’re suffering from a chronic condition. We’ve collected some of our stress-related articles that might help you better manage your stress.

Get better sleep

Getting enough sleep is necessary for your body to function properly, and it can be especially important for chronic pain sufferers. Be sure to get enough good sleep. This helps energize your body so you can start your day well and can accomplish your goals. Try these tips to start sleeping better.

Resolutions for the best you

Is a year with less pain difficult to imagine? With these goals in mind, it might be closer than you think. Remember, a pain specialist can help you understand and manage your chronic pain and refer you to services that can help you keep your resolutions, like nutritionists and behavioral health therapists. Making New Year’s resolutions isn’t the hard part. Usually, it’s sticking to them that is difficult. If you want help making great goals for 2020, check out our latest post on SMART goals for more tips.


The Pain Management Group_AdvancedHEALTHFor more information on The Pain Management Group, please visit or schedule an appointment at one of our locations throughout Middle Tennessee.

We are committed to providing individualized care and vow to treat each patient with compassion and respect, never turning anyone away. Our physicians are fellowship-trained pain specialists who utilize a combination of interventional procedures and medication management services to tailor a personalized care plan for each patient’s long-term pain relief.